Version 3

    SOAP Service as a source - example including Model Project Set


    A Teiid Designer Model Project Set is attached, which demonstrates the basic concepts required to use a SOAP service as a data source in a VDB.  The example provides a Teiid Designer project set and a sample SOAP service to deploy in JBoss AS.  The Teiid project contains a DS.xml for the deployed service that will deploy the required ws translator, a physical model to call the translator, and two view models to invoke the service and map the XML to relational constructs.

    Download the attachment, then import it into Teiid Designer via "Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace" .  (Use the "Select archive file:" option when importing).


    After importing into Teiid Designer, open the readme.txt document in the root folder.  The document provides step-by-step instructions for the example.  Some screenshots may be out-of-date, but will be updated in the future.