Version 4



    Teiid Designer 8.4 introduces the following changes and features


    8.4 Users Guide


    Download and Install 8.4


    Auto-create VDB Data Source




    Deployed VDBs are accessed by applications through their JDBC connection. This connection is defined by a data source defined and deployed on a server. In 8.4, we've added a step in the Deploy VDB and Execute VDB actions to allow users to define/deploy the data source representing the Deployed VDB. You can change the generated JNDI name prior to creating this data source as well as enable Pass Thru Authentication. Cancelling this dialog will not create a VDB data source.


    Improved model name validation




    For 8.4, we've added a common model name validation framework and applied it to all wizards and dialogs where model names can be edited.  In the example below the user enters EmployeeViews&x and the wizard displays a validation error stating:  "Invalid model name. The character '&' (at postion 14) is not allowed, only alphabetic ([a-z][A-Z], digit ([0-9]) or '_' are allowed". The error must be fixed to enabled to complete the dialog or wizard page.


    Expanded SQL Template insert/replace functionality




    When editing a transformation or creating a new view procedure or table, Designer provides a set of SQL templates you can use in your SQL. Prior to 8.4, you could only replace your existing SQL with your template SQL. For 8.4, we've added the ability to replace existing SQL or insert the template SQL statement at the beginning of your existing statement, at the the current cursor location or at the end of your existing statement.  The dialog below illustrates these options.



    Global temporary table support




    The Teiid 8.6 runtime supports virtual tables defined as global temporary tables.  In 8.4, we've added an extension property named Global Temp Table to our relational view tables. Setting the value to true will disable validation of the SQL statement which is expected to be empty.  (See also : TEIID-2067)


    Added Guides View action context




    In 8.4 we've added labels to the guides view actions to provide context on where the user is within the action steps as well as the current value of the objects created or selected in that step.


    Lock Diagrams feature




    In 8.4 we've added a diagram toolbar action to lock or unlock the top-level package diagram for each model.  This feature was in response to users in a collaborative environment who experienced confusion because diagram x,y coordinates were being persisted and any change to a diagram would result in a change to the model. This made it difficult to know when relevant differences occurred while sharing models.  Locking a diagram will only lock the top-level package diagram. If you wish to change the positions of specific diagram objects (tables, procedures) click "Unlock Diagrams", make your changes, then click "Lock Diagrams".  When your diagram is locked, you can drag components around the canvas, however these positional changes will not be saved.



    Teiid Connection Importer allows saving DDL to workspace




    In 8.4 we've added a button in the Teiid Connection Importer to allow saving the import DDL to your workspace.  Previously you could save the DDL to the file system, but this allows an easy way to add it to your workspace also.  The wizard page is show below:
