Version 1

    4. prosince 2013 - REST, JSON & WebSocket - Modern approach to web app development


    Update: slides



    Pozor, změna prostor!


    Czech JBoss User Group Vás srdečně zve na setkání JBUG, které se koná ve středu 4. prosince 2013 v prostorách Fakulty Informatiky Masarykovy Univerzity v místnosti B517 od 18:00.


    Presenter: Lukáš Fryč



    As recent developments inclines to thin server architecture with self-contained app clients there is an elevated demand for appropriate data-oriented approach to designing applications.

    Java EE 7 brings a lot of news which fulfills this picture:

    • Java API for RESTful Services
    • Java API for WebSocket
    • Java API for JSON Processing


    Lukáš will describe what are newcomers in Java EE 7 and demonstrate their usage on samples. He will also share the most effective way how to find more samples and as a bonus, he will code a small application based on just standard Java EE and web technologies.



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