Version 5

    Manage and Monitor Teiid 8.x


    Pre-8.x versions of Teiid were supported by an RHQ plugin that allowed managing and monitoring of a Teiid instance or cluster. We have released an Alpha1 version of an RHQ plugin to support Teiid 8.x. It runs inside the AS 7 plugin so, in the RHQ browser, it is a child of the AS 7 node where you have Teiid installed.




    What is RHQ?


    The RHQ project is an abstraction and plug-in based systems management suite that provides extensible and integrated systems management for multiple products and platforms across a set of core features. The project is designed with layered modules that provide a flexible architecture for deployment. It delivers a core user interface that delivers audited and historical management across an entire enterprise. A Server/Agent architecture provides remote management and plugins implement all specific support for managed products.

    RHQ allows you to:

    • Coordinate the many stages of application lifecycle
    • Expose a cohesive view of your middleware components through complex environments
    • Improve operational efficiency and reliability through thorough visibility into production availability and performance
    • Effectively manage configuration and rollout of new applications across complex environments through a single integrated tool.

    This platform delivers discovery and inventory of managed resources, administration, monitoring, deployment and updating of JBoss-based middleware applications and other third-party applications through a centrally managed model. Enterprise access controls offer the necessary levels of visibility, access and auditing to maintain systems and share vital information and statistics through diverse teams. A customizable portal offers critical information quickly to the right audiences.


    Find out more...


    Sounds great! How can I get RHQ to manage and monitor my Teiid instance?


    1.) Download and install RHQ

    (Note: The plugin has been tested with RHQ 4.4, so that is the current recommended version. The final version will be tested will all versions of RHQ 4.1 and greater.)

    2.) Install an RHQ agent on the server that you want to manage Teiid. See here for instructions

    3.) Download the Teiid RHQ plugin and install the plugin into your server. You can automatically update your agent from the agent command line with the command > plugins update . This will poll the RHQ server for new or updated plugins and add to the agent's plugins.

    3.) Your agent's resources will be discoverable by the server and you can import the AS 7 resource into your server's inventory on the Inventory tab of the RHQ browser.

    4.) The AS 7 instance on the server where your agent was installed will show up in the tree of the Inventory tab. Click on the "Servers - Top level imports" link on the left to filter.




    Click on your AS instance in the filtered results and you will see the tree of resources available on your AS 7 instance. The Teiid server is the "data services" node.


    That's it! You can now view, manage and monitor your Teiid resources. This is the first alpha release and we have some outstanding Jiras for the upcoming alpha2 release. If you encounter any issues not already identified, please log them here:

