Version 1

    Configuring Valves

    Valves can be configured in AS7/EAP6 in an application's jboss-web.xml file by adding the following to the <jboss-web> element where "" can be replaced with the desired Valve.[1]



    Another example using a custom authenticator valve:



    Note that here we added additional configuration using the <param> element, which is similar to the <attribute> element used in previous versions when configuring valves using context.xml file.


    Writing Custom Authenticators

    Custom authenticators can be written by either implementing the Authenticator Interface [2] or extending already implemented Authenticators [3]. An example of the later is detailed by Anil Saldhana in his community post [4]. However, due to changes in jboss-web, in AS7/EAP6 the authenticate() method's signature has changed [2,5]. This is important to note when porting the code at [4] or any old custom authenticators to AS7/EAP6.


    The required signature for the authenticate() method is:

    public boolean authenticate(Request request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws IOException, ServletException;


    The modified version of an extended custom authenticator valve from [4] is provided in the attachment, which extends the ExtendedFormAuthenticator class.


    An example of using this custom authenticator is provided here. We base this example on the AS7/EAP6 quick-start "servlet-security". The source code is provided in the attached file and the war is attached as jboss-as-servlet-security.war. The changes that were made are as follows:

    • Modified dependencies in pom.xml
    • Added
    • Modified WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml
    • Added <form-login-config> to WEB-INF/web.xml as we are are using a form based authentication here
    • Added login.html, error.html for form based authentication


    To deploy this webapp,


    Important Note: This is just a quick example of how to use a custom authenticator valve. This is not production code.


    If you are writing your own authenticator valves, [2,3] can be very useful references.






