Version 2

    19. dubna 2012 - JBoss Application Server 7 - Reloaded

    Czech JBoss User Group would like to invite you to JBUG talk, happening on Thursday 19th April 2012 at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University in auditorium D2 from 18:00.


    Czech JBoss User Group Vás srdečně zve na setkání JBUG, které se koná ve čtvrtek 19. dubna 2012 v prostorách Fakulty Informatiky Masarykovy Univerzity v místnosti D2 od 18:00.


    Speaker / Přednášející: Dimitris Andreadis


    JBoss AS has been the leading opensource Java EE application server for over a decade now. Where did it all start and how did we come that far? What did it take to bring JBoss AS to the next level? What where the challenges on the way to Java EE6? What was the motivation behind such a big technology shift? What are the architectural innovations? Where is JBoss AS headed towards? What is it's relation to EAP? Lots of questions and hopefully answers in this informative talk on JBoss AS.



    Dimitris Andreadis is the Engineering Manager of the core JBoss Application Server team at Red Hat. He has been a JBoss addict and contributor from the early JBoss days and joined JBoss in 2004. He was the Lead of the JBoss AS project for several years. Previously he spent seven years at Intracom and Motorola in the areas of NMS/OSS, designing reusable frameworks and distributed systems. Dimitris studied computer science at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens and received an M.Sc. by research from University College Dublin, Ireland.



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    Můžete použít hashtag #jbugcz.


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