Version 1

    Notes for the upgrade from Nexus Professional to 1.9.2


    1. Download Nexus 1.9.2 from Sonatype

    2. Unzip Nexus to the /services/nexus directory.  There may be a warning about the file sonatype-work/README.txt being overwritten.  It is ok to overwrite this file.


    # cd /services/nexus
    # unzip


    3. Install the URL authentication realm jar version 2.4 and configuration file.

    The jar file can be downloaded from central:

    Documentation is in the Sonatype wiki:

    The configuration file should be already installed within the upgrade to


    # cd /services/nexus
    # cp security-url-realm-2.4.jar nexus-professional-webapp-1.9.2/runtime/apps/nexus/lib/


    4. Activate the nexus-branding-plugin which displays the logo


    # cd /services/nexus
    # cp -r nexus-professional-webapp-1.9.2/runtime/apps/nexus/optional-plugins/nexus-branding-plugin-1.9.2/ nexus-professional-webapp-1.9.2/runtime/apps/nexus/plugin-repository/


    Add the following lines at the end of the file nexus-professional-webapp-1.9.2/conf/

    # JBoss logo path used by the branding plugin



    5. Stop nexus and httpd


    # service httpd stop
    # service nexus stop


    6.  Update the symlink to the nexus startup script


    # cd /etc/init.d
    # rm nexus
    # ln -s /services/nexus/nexus-professional-webapp-1.9.2/bin/jsw/linux-x86-64/nexus nexus


    7. Start the nexus server and Apache


    # service nexus start
    # service httpd start




    1. Open a browser and view the main page (  Check that the page displays the correct version (1.9.2) in the upper right corner.
    2. Log in to nexus with a valid username to verify the configuration of the URL realm.
      1. Click on "Repositories" and verify that the correct repositories are displayed.
      2. Log out.
    3. Log in with an admin account.
      1. Click on "Administration -> System Files" and view the nexus.log.  Check that there were no errors when starting the server.
      2. Click on "Administration ->Licensing" to verify that the license is correctly configured.
      3. Click on "Administration ->Plugin Console" and check that all the plugins show status "Activated"

