Version 144

    This should contain up to date list of components which have already been added in Metamer, templates used for a component (list.xhtml) and where tests have been written for that component or not. To sum it up, this should be one stop shop to see Metamer progress.




    green color = sample provided; tests in Selenium 2

    red color = sample provided; but component not covered by tests at all

    blue color = <not used>

    black color = has to be rewritten to Selenium 2





    Rich Context Menu

    •      tests for page Various components as placeholder does not exist

    Rich Data Grid

    Rich Data Scroller

    Rich Data Table

    • missing all JS API tests -- tests are copy-paste
    • sample page contains 2/7 components comunicating with component's JS API -- sorting and clear sorting

    Rich Drop Down Menu

    Rich Editor

    Rich Extended Data Table

    • missing all JS API tests -- tests are copy-paste
    • sample page contains 2/7 components comunicating with component's JS API -- sorting and clear sorting

    Rich Focus



    A4J Action Listener

    A4J Ajax

    A4J Attach Queue

    A4J Command Button

    A4J Command Link

    A4J JavaScript Function

    A4J Log

    A4J Media Output

    • missing tests for videos and sounds

    A4J Output Panel

    A4J Parameter

    • assignTo

    A4J Poll

    A4J Push

    • missing @onerror, (no fragment)

    A4J Queue

    A4J Region

    A4J Repeat

    A4J Status

    Rich Accordion

    • converter

    Rich Autocomplete

    • missing all JS API tests

    Rich Calendar

    Rich Collapsible Panel

    • converter

    Rich Collapsible Sub Table

    • iterationStatusVar, rowKeyConverter, rowKeyVar, stateVar

    Rich Collapsible Sub Table Toggler

    Rich Column

    • filterConverterMessage, filterType, sortType

    Rich Column Group
    Rich File Upload

    • missing @serverErrorLabel

    Rich Functions

    Rich Graph Validator

    Rich Hash Parameter

    Rich Hot Key

    Rich Inplace Input

    Rich Inplace Select

    Rich Input Number Slider

    Rich Input Number Spinner

    Rich Item Change Listener

    Rich jQuery

    Rich List

    • rowKeyConverter

    Rich Menu Group

    Rich Menu Item

    Rich Menu Separator

    Rich Message

    Rich Messages

    Rich Notify

    Rich NotifyMessage

    Rich NotifyMessages
    Rich NotifyStack

    Rich Ordering List

    Rich Panel Toggle Listener

    Rich PickList

    Rich Placeholder

    Rich Popup Panel

    Rich Progress Bar

    • no page fragment

    Rich Select

    Rich Toggle Panel

    • converter
    • no fragment

    Rich Toggle Panel Item

    • converter


    Rich Component Control

    Rich Tab

    Rich Tab Panel

    Rich Drag Indicator

    Rich Drag Source

    Rich Drop Target

    Rich Panel

    Rich Panel Menu

    • + JS API coverage

    Rich Panel Menu Group

    Rich Panel Menu Item

    Rich Toggle Control

    Rich Toolbar

    Rich Toolbar Group

    Rich Tooltip

    • attached, converter

    Rich Tree

    Rich Tree Node

    Rich Tree Model Adaptor

    Rich Tree Selection Change Listener

    Rich Tree Toggle Listener

    Rich Validator




    A4J Action Listener
    A4J Ajax
    A4J Attach Queue
    A4J Command Button
    A4J Command Link
    A4J JavaScript Function
    A4J Log
    A4J Media Output
    A4J Output Panel
    A4J Action Parameter
    A4J Poll
    A4J Push
    A4J Queue
    A4J Region
    A4J Repeat
    A4J Status
    Rich Accordion
    Rich Accordion Item
    Rich Autocomplete
    Rich Collapsible Panel
    Rich Column
    Rich Column Group
    Rich Component Control
    Rich Data Grid
    Rich Data Scroller
    Rich Data Table
    Rich Extended Data Table
    Rich Functions
    Rich Inplace Input
    Rich Input Number Slider
    Rich Input Number Spinner
    Rich jQuery
    Rich List
    Rich Panel
    Rich Popup Panel
    Rich Progress Bar
    Rich Subtable
    Rich Subtable Toggle Control
    Rich Tab
    Rich Tab Panel
    Rich Toggle Control
    Rich Toggle Panel
    Rich Toggle Panel Item
    JSF Command Button
    JSF Data Table

    UI Repea



    A4J Action Listener

    A4J Ajax

    A4J Attach Queue

    A4J Command Button

    A4J Command Link

    A4J JavaScript Function

    A4J Log

    A4J Media Output

    A4J Output Panel

    A4J Action Parameter

    A4J Poll

    A4J Push

    A4J Queue

    A4J Region

    A4J Repeat

    A4J Status

    Rich Accordion

    Rich Accordion Item

    Rich Autocomplete

    Rich Collapsible Panel

    Rich Column

    Rich Column Group

    Rich Component Control

    Rich Data Grid

    Rich Data Scroller

    Rich Data Table

    Rich Extended Data Table

    Rich Functions

    Rich Inplace Input

    Rich Input Number Slider

    Rich Input Number Spinner

    Rich jQuery

    Rich List

    Rich Panel

    Rich Popup Panel

    Rich Progress Bar

    Rich Subtable

    Rich Subtable Toggle Control

    Rich Tab

    Rich Tab Panel

    Rich Toggle Control

    Rich Toggle Panel

    Rich Toggle Panel Item

    JSF Command Button

    JSF Data Table

    UI RepeatA4J Action Listener

    A4J Ajax

    A4J Attach Queue

    A4J Command Button

    A4J Command Link

    A4J JavaScript Function

    A4J Log

    A4J Media Output

    A4J Output Panel

    A4J Action Parameter

    A4J Poll

    A4J Push

    A4J Queue

    A4J Region

    A4J Repeat

    A4J Status

    Rich Accordion

    Rich Accordion Item

    Rich Autocomplete

    Rich Collapsible Panel

    Rich Column

    Rich Column Group

    Rich Component Control

    Rich Data Grid

    Rich Data Scroller

    Rich Data Table

    Rich Extended Data Table

    Rich Functions

    Rich Inplace Input

    Rich Input Number Slider

    Rich Input Number Spinner

    Rich jQuery

    Rich List

    Rich Panel

    Rich Popup Panel

    Rich Progress Bar

    Rich Subtable

    Rich Subtable Toggle Control

    Rich Tab

    Rich Tab Panel

    Rich Toggle Control

    Rich Toggle Panel

    Rich Toggle Panel Item

    JSF Command Button

    JSF Data Table

    UI Repeat