Version 1

    The Getting Started guide for AS 4, includes a good tutorial ( that covers deploying Sun's "Duke's Bank" sample application.


    With a few adaptations the tutorial can be used with AS 5.x.


    • The first challenge the article presents is that the page that the Sun J2EE 1.4 page that the documentation points you to for the project download does not prominently feature the application download anymore. However, there is a link toward the bottom of the page for "J2EE 1.4 Tutorial" that does link to the download.
    • Some changes need to be made to the jboss-build.xml file so it will build
      • Line 44: repoint the hsqldb.jar pathelement att the server's common lib as follows:

    <pathelement location="${jboss.home}/common/lib/hsqldb.jar"/>

      • Line 37: comment out (for now, at least) the jboss-ws4ee.sar fileset in the build.classpath. If you continue to chapter 5, you'll need to update this.
      • Line 33 and Line 24: replace the fileset entry for javax.servlet.jar for the build and axis classpaths with the following:

    <fileset dir="${jboss.home}/common/lib">

            <include name="servlet-api.jar" />
            <include name="jsp-api.jar" />

    <include name="servlet-api.jar" />

    <include name="jsp-api.jar" />


    • Additionally, there are changes required to deployment descriptors in order to successfully deploy the application to AS 5.x
      • (Filenames are specified relative to the examples/bank directory)
      • in file dd/application.xml
        • Replace the application element's opening tag to reference the corresponding java 1.5 xsd:

    <application xmlns=""




        • in file dd/client/application-client.xml
          • Replace both the DOCTYPE element and application-client opening tag with an updated application-client opening tag that references the corresponding java 1.5 xsd.

      <application-client xmlns="




          • Correct the package path for the home and remote interfaces (maybe this one shoudn't be necessary -- I don't see how it is affected by changing from AS 4 to 5)
            • For the customerController to com.sun.ebank.ejb.customer.
            • for the accountController to com.sun.ebank.ejb.account.


      These changes should be sufficient to deploy and run the Duke's Bank application on AS 5.x.  The tutorial pursues this example further in chapter 5.I would welcome anyone's extending this article to cover any subsequent changes that may be required.