Version 2

    PicketLink Based SSO FAQ

    Q.  I want to incorporate SAML based SSO.  What should I do?

    You should consider the SAML Post Binding Support with PicketLink.   Download the idp.war which shows the Identity Provider configuration.  Then you can down the sales.war from PicketLink downloads.

    Q.  I need SAML Post Binding for my IDP. What should I do?

    Download the idp.war from PicketLink downloads.   This idp.war has a context.xml with the IDPWebBrowserSSOValve.



    Q. Tell me more about IDPWebBrowserSSOValve.

    This tomcat valve supports both SAML Redirect and Post Bindings. So basically you can have service providers supporting redirect and post bindings simultaneously.


       <Valve  className="org.picketlink.identity.federation.bindings.tomcat.idp.IDPWebBrowserSSOValve"

    Q. I want to use SPNego based Desktop SSO.  Where should I look?

    The answer lies in JBossNegotiation.