Version 1

    Hello everyone,


         there is an issue about jbr-socket. I want to implement a socket proxy, but I don't find a socket producer in jboss soa documens. could it be implemented ? meanwhile, I found another issue that the jbr-socket only be called by jbr-client. it couldn't be called by normal socket client ?


    the following is the config.



      <jbr-provider name="empi-socket" protocol="socket" host="">
       <jbr-bus busid="empi-socket" port="64111"></jbr-bus>
    <service category="empi" description="empi" name="socket"
        <jbr-listener is-gateway="true" name="empi-listener"
         busidref="empi-socket" />
       <actions mep="OneWay">
        <!-- action name="myAction"/-->
        <action name="print">
         <property name="message" value="Message HL7 recu" />


    Please help me!


