Version 1
    Prepare OpenSSO


    1) Download OpenSSO 8.0 Update 1 (includes few important 8.0 patches)
    2) Download and prepare Tomcat
         - change port from 8080 to 8081 (conf/server.xml)
         - disable (comment out) AJP connector (conf/server.xml)
         - [optional] increase memory (-Xmx and -XX:MaxPermSize in JAVA_OPTS)
    3) Deploy opensso.war in tomcat and start the server
    4) Open http://localhost:8081/opensso in a browser and perform a default configuration
         - set passwords (password and agentpassword for eg.)
    5) Login to OpenSSO admin console (http://localhost:8081/opensso) (with amadmin/password)
    6) In real case scenarion both OpenSSO and JBP should be configured to use the same data store (like LDAP). For testing
    purposes simply create in OpenSSO same users as present out of the box in JBP database.
         - Go to: Access Control [tab] -> (/Top Level Realm) -> Subjects [tab]
         - In User tab create 2 users: 'admin' with password 'admin' and 'user' with password 'user'
    7) Check the configured token cookie name with http://localhost:8081/opensso/identity/getCookieNameForToken (will be needed later in the valve configuration)
         - default is 'iPlanetDirectoryPro'


    Prepare JBoss Portal

    1) Download JBoss Portal 2.7.2 server bundle (
    2) Get fresh identity module sources:
    3) Build sso lib:
    JBP_IDENTITY_BRANCH_1_1\sso> mvn clean install
    4) Swap the jars:
    JBP_IDENTITY_BRANCH_1_1\sso> cp .\target\identity-sso-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar c:\jboss-portal-2.7.2\server\default\deploy\jboss-portal.sar\lib\portal-identity-sso-lib.jar
    5) Configure the valve in


    <Valve className="org.jboss.portal.identity.sso.opensso.OpenSSORESTAuthenticationValve"


    Check if the cookieName value is correct.