Version 1



    The Maven artifact has a problem: When I try to use it as a dependency in a pom eg.










    the command "mvn compile" returns following error:



    [DEBUG] Trying repository central Downloading: http://<nexus-server>:8443/nexus/content/groups/public    /org/jboss/microcontainer/jboss-developers-client-spi/2.0.0.Beta6/jboss-developers-client-spi-2.0.0.Beta6.pom

    [DEBUG] Unable to get resource 'org.jboss.microcontainer:jboss-developers-client-spi:pom:2.0.0.Beta6' from repository

    [DEBUG] Artifact not found - using stub model: Unable to download the artifact from any repository    org.jboss.microcontainer:jboss-developers-client-spi:pom:2.0.0.Beta6



    Can somebody help me with that?


    Many thanks in advance

    Regards Pietro