Version 7

    A ThreadDumpJSP for JBossAS


    This is an adaptation for JBossAS of the code presented in issue 132 of the Java Specialists newsletter.


    The difference with the thread dump you get with the

    jmx-console is that a sorted summary of the threads is presented in the beginning of the page, with links to the individual stacktraces that follow in the bottom of the page. The jmx-console in contrast shows the stacktraces inline with the list of threads, grouped/indented according to their groupId.


    Just copy ThreadDumpJSP/Threaddump.war in the deploy directory of jboss and point your browser to http://localhost:8080/threaddump/. It should work with JBossAS 4.2.x and 5.0.x. The war file can also be found in the AS5 distro at docs/examples/varia/threaddump.war.


    An example output is shown below:





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