Version 14

    setting up classpaths for your eclipse projects is quite easy if you know which jar files to include.


    We suppose here that you already have your source directories defined and that you compiled everything by running (or build.bat) in the build directory. If not, you need to do it now UsingEclipse.


    While the below method should work, the files may be outdated, here is another solution (in no way better) that will work with Nukes 1.1


    1. Edit the attached file NukesJBossLibraries.txt to modify the path as it is hardcoded

    2. Open the Project properties and click on Java Build Path then Libraries.

    3. Click on 'Add Library' then 'User Library', click on 'User Libraries...' and import NukesJBossLibraries.txt

    4. Import all the three libraries. Select them all and click on finish.


    You should have the three libraries on the left and if you wait, Eclipse should remove some of its error notices.


    To fix the classpath you also need to:

    1. add all the output/classes directories by doing Add Folder in the 'Java Build Path'/Libraries


    You should be done by now and only have some warnings.


    I don't know anyway to define the correct output folders per source folder. One solution would be to define as many project as folders in Nukes, i chose to have only one project per version of Nuke that i am working on.


    -- Older information for people wanting to do everything using the .classpath --


    in order to use the attached classpaths, you must create the following CLASSPATH variables inside eclipse


    • JBOSS_HOME = location of your jboss install, ie: C:\jboss


    • JBOSS_NUKES = location of the nukes code, ie: C:\development\nukes


    CLASSPATH variables can be created under the Preferences -> Java -> Classpath Variables section


    once you've got those setup, download the attached files and place them into the appropriate nukes module directory. make sure you rename them to .classpath first!


    • common-classpath - place in the 'common' directory


    • nukes-classpath - place in the 'nukes' directory


    • template-classpath - can be used in any other nukes module directory





    • .classpath

      - a complete classpath for all Nukes modules