Version 38


    1. Branch the repository


    1.1. Make sure README.txt is correctly updated


    1.1. Create a branch for the release using the "svn copy" command.


    1.2 Checkout the branch to your own computer.


    1.3. Execute "ant -f update-version.xml -Dcurrent="4.0.0.SNAPSHOT" -Dnew="4.0.0" updateVersion"


    1.4. Use "grep -lir "4.0.0.SNAPSHOT" * | grep -v .svn" to check if the ant task missed some files. If it did add the missing files to update-version.xml and rerun the task.


    1.5 Commit changes.


    1.6. Set the branch address to the droolsRelease job in Hudson.


    1.7. Start the build in Hudson


    2. Check the binaries


    2.1 Download the binaries from Hudson


    2.2 Open the drools-{version} and make sure that it contains what it should. ( Guvnor and planner binaries are in different packages. )


    2.3 Open the source zip and make sure it contains the projects that were in the branch.


    2.4 Check that planner runs: unzip the zip and run or runExamples.bat.


    2.5 Check the examples and make sure that they run correctly.


    2.6 Install the Eclipse plugin and test that the hello world projects it generates work.


    2.7 Open documentation and javadocs to see that they are ok. No broken HTML or missing images.


    2.8 Check that the Guvnor standalone works. Test the tasks defined in the Guvnor test documentation.


    3. Tag the repository


    3.1 Tag the branch using "svn copy"


    4. Upload binaries to site


    4.1. Using sftp: "sftp"


    4.2. Upload binaries to: /downloads_htdocs/drools/release/(version)


    5. Upload documentation to site ( Only for final release )


    5.1. Using sftp: "sftp"


    5.2. Upload binaries to: /downloads_htdocs/drools/docs/(version)


    6. Create and upload a update site for eclipse plugin ( Only for final release )


    6.1 Remove your previous installed plugin


    6.2 Install the latest plugin from the released version


    6.3 Create a update site with the latest plugin


    6.4 Upload it to /downloads_htdocs/drools/updatesite



    7. Use Magnolia to update the Web Site


    7.1 edit documentation.html to fix latest version number and url for the docs


    7.2 edit downloads.html to fix the latest version and url for the binary artifacts


    7.3 verify if they are correctly published in the project web site




    8. Update Maven artifacts


    Using Hudson:


    Hudson deploys the files. Continue from  "Closing the Staging Repository"


    Or uploading from a local build:


    Set up your settings.xml

    How to deploy:


    9. Update JIRA


    Mark version as released in JIRA


    10. Sanity check downloads

    Go to and check that the zips are valid.


    If everything is fine, you are done, then you can go to bed