Version 13

    JBoss Remoting Version

    JBoss Application Server Version


    pre alpha

    > 3.2.4, <= 4.0.1

    Old version of remoting.  Contains socket, soap, rmi transports, dynamic classloading, multicast and JNDI detectors.  No detailed configuration of marshallers.

    1.0.1 final


    Socket and rmi transports, multicast and JNDI detectors, serializable marshallers.

    1.2.1 final


    SSL support, http proxy support, servlet invoker.



    Multiplex transport, custom serialization, tomcat implementation for http transport.


    API incompatabilities between JBossRemoting 1.0.2 and 1.2.0


    The following public API for JBossRemoting was changed in release 1.2.0 which will make it incompatible with previous versions:


    • Removed ClientInvokerAdapter and dependant classes

    • Callback related classes moved to new remoting callback package

    • InvokerCallbackHandler accepts Callback type as parameter instead of InvocationRequest



    Checking the jboss-remoting.jar version


    As of JBossRemoting 1.2.1 release, can check the version of the jboss-remoting.jar by running

    java -jar jboss-remoting.jar