Version 48

    JBoss Remoting


    JBoss Remoting is a stand-alone project that provides an API for making remote invocations using pluggable transports and data marshallers.  It will be the base for a new unified invoker in JBoss 5 as well as the base for AOP remoting (and will likely be used for remoting in other projects such as JBoss WebServices and JBoss Messaging).





    JBoss Remoting currently exists in the 3.2 branch, as well as the 4.0 codebase, but is only being used in a limited fashion by any of the other JBoss modules and is being refactored for 5.





    More information on the current JBoss Remoting module can be found at





    OnJava article on JBoss Remoting


    Getting the JBossRemoting source and building


    JBoss Remoting configuration (detectors, connector, transports, marshallers).


    Extra transport information (how data sent, metadata supplied, etc.)


    How callbacks work.


    How to send streams using remoting.


    Registering exception listeners


    Deployment notes - important information about multiple remoting deployments.


    How to use remoting with JBoss 5 interceptors.


    Plugging in custom implementations into remoting.


    Remoting schedule.


    JBoss Remoting tests.


    Remoting versions.


    Sample code.


    Accessing EJB3s over HTTP/HTTPS - A tutorial, complete with code, has been supplied by Bill Decoste.






    Next generation Remoting - Architecture and Design



    Initial discussions about the future of Remoting, release 3.0 and beyond:







    JMX Remoting - JSR 160 implementation


    A new implementation of the JSR-160 spec has been added to JBossAS 6 M3.  See the client access example here.  The JSR-160 security features are supported (for howto see SecureJBoss).


    The below note applies to prior to JBossAS 6 M3:


    A partial implementation of the JSR-160 spec has been added to CVS HEAD (JBossAS 5).  It is intended to be a spec based alternative to the RMIAdaptor already available within JBoss.  It currently only has support for RMI transport (not including IIOP).  It also does not have security support (see JBoss Remoting project within Jira at for list of all features not currently supported).


    There is also a jmx-remoting.sar that has been added to the default jboss configuration which simply starts the JMX connector server.  If running JBossAS using jdk 1.4, it will use this new JSR-160 implementation from JBoss.  If running JBossAS using jdk 1.5, it will use the JSR-160 implementation of the JDK vendor.


    JMX Remoting service configuration


    NOTE: This implementation does NOT implement the security features as outlined by the JSR-160 specification.  If need authenticated access from client to JMX MBeanServer, then use the traditional RMIAdaptor.




    Legacy Detached Invokers


    The legacy detached invoker framework used by default in 4.0.3-, 3.2.x