Version 17


    INFO-RSP is the response to a INFO command. Response would include information on what virtual hosts are configured (so per-webapp commands can specify the correct virtual host) and other info that ModClusterService can make available to management tools (e.g. what addresses/ports httpd is listening on.)

    The element are prefixed with their key id. The id of Context and Vhost are node, virtualhost and the record number.

    For example:

    Balancer[1]... The balancer corresponding to the nodes,

    Node: [1:1]... The first node in the node table.

    Vhost: [1:1:1]... An Alias of the Virtual Host belonging to the first node and first Virtual Host.

    Context: [1:1:2]... A Context deployed/mapped in the first node and first Virtual Host. That the 2 Context in the Context table.


    The INFO-RSP can be display using the mod_cluster_manager handler note that in this case the time values are in seconds except

    flushwait with is in milliseconds.


    Server: (Not the actual version)

    Server is corresponding to the server record in httpd that is a httpd VirtualHost description. The following elements are dumped:


    Name: (String) Name of the server.


    Root: (String) Root directory.


    ThreadsPerChild: (Number) Number of thread per child process.


    MaxRequestsPerChild: (Number) Max requests a child will handle before stopping.


    MaxClient: (Number) Max simultaneous requests supported.


    LimitReqFieldsize: (Number) max size of any request header field.


    LimitReqFields: (Number) max on number of request header fields.


    Scheme: (String) The server request scheme (http/https).


    KeepAlive: (Boolean) Server keeps connections opened between request.


    KeepAliveTimeout (Number) Amount of time the connection between httpd and the browser is kept opened waiting for request.


    MaxKeepAliveRequests (Number) Max number of request for a browser httpd will process before closing the connection.


    TimeOut (Number) Max time in seconds httpd will wait for a backend server.



    Balancer is corresponding to a balancer in mod_proxy logic. The following elements are dumped:


    Name: (String) Name of the balancer.


    StickySession: (Boolean) Use JVMRoute to stick a session to a node.


    StickySessionCookie: (String) Name of the cookie containing the sessionid.


    StickySessionPath: (String) Name of the parameter containing the session when it is URL encoded.


    StickySessionRemove: (Boolean) Remove sessionid if the node doesn't correspond to the JVMRoute.


    StickySessionForce: (Boolean) Return error if no node correspond to the JVMRoute.


    Timeout: (Number) Time to wait for an available worker. (seconds in mod_cluster_manager)


    Maxattempts: (Number) number of attempts to send the request to the backend server.


    Example for mod_cluster_manager:

    balancer: [1] Name: mycluster Sticky: 1 [JSESSIONID]/[jsessionid] remove: 0 force: 0 Timeout: 0 Maxtry: 1



    None is corresponding to a node of a cluster in AS (to a <Connector/> in the server.xml). The following elements are dumped:


    Name: (String) That is the JvmRoute.


    Balancer: (String) The name of balancer that processes the loadbalancing for the JvmRoute.


    Domain: (String) Use to group the node in buddy replicated nodes group.


    Host: (String) Hostname where the cluster node runs.


    Port: (Number) Port on which the connector is waiting for requests.


    Type: (String) Protocol using by the connector (AJP/http/https).


    Flushpackets: (String): Tell when buffer between httpd and browser should be flushed.


    Flushwait: (Number): Time to wait before flushing (When flushpackets is 'Auto"). (milliseconds in mod_cluster_manager)


    Ping: (Number): Time to wait after a ping to receive a pong from a node. (seconds in mod_cluster_manager)


    Smax: (Number): Max connections to keep opened between httpd and the back-end server.


    Ttl: (Number): Max time a connection could exist when there is more than  smax connections opened. (seconds in mod_cluster_manager)


    Elected: (Number): Number of time the worker was chosen by the balancer logic.


    Read: (Number): Number of bytes read from the back-end.


    Transferred: (Number): Number of bytes send to the back-end.


    Connected: (Number): Number of opened connections.


    Load: (Number) Load factor received via the STATUS messages.


    Example from mod_cluster_manager:

    node: [1:1],Balancer: mycluster,JVMRoute: neo3,Domain: [neuchdom],Host:,Port: 8009,Type: ajp,flushpackets: 0,flushwait: 10,ping: 10,smax: 11,ttl: 60,timeout: 0




    Vhost is corresponding to the hosts and Aliases defined in the server.xml.


    Alias: (String) Corresponding alias.




    Context is corresponding to the context deployed in the node.


    Context: (String) URL to be mapped.


    Status: (String) Status of the application: ENABLED, DISABLED or STOPPED.