Version 60

    The idea of a community is to help each other. This page shows that getting involved in JBoss jBPM is easier than you think. First some general remarks in contributions. Then in the next section it is explained how to gain CVS access.


    Contributing to JBoss jBPM


    Feedback and helping people in the User Forum is considered a contribution: Contributing to JBoss jBPM doesn't always imply writing code. Giving us your feedback on the users forum and responding to other people's questions is appreciated and considered equal to a code contribution.


    Discuss/announce your contributions on the Developers Forum: Everything related to contributing can be discussed on the developers forum. That includes questions about the design of JBoss jBPM, proposals for code contributions, announcements about what you are going to change and what you did change.


    Verify your Jira tasks: In case you're starting to work on a contribution, verify that a jira issue reflects what you are going to do and that it is assigned to you. That prevents people from doing the same thing.


    Check out the JBoss jBPM JIRA if you're looking for development tasks: Consult Jira if your looking for a task or if you want to submit a bug report. we appreciate all reported issues. but the more info there is for us to make a fix easily (e.g. stack trace, reproducing unit test or code snippets), the more chance there is that we'll just fix it right away. There is a special jira issue that links to all contributions that we consider good candidates for community contributions.


    Think about the maintenance of your contribution: Typically contributors contribute for a period of 3 to 6 months. After that, other priorities can come up. To prevent that your contribution is not maintained and eventually dropped, think about maintenance in the proposals that you do. E.g. deployment instructions of jBPM on WebLogic might need to be updated and verified for each version. While a tutorial excercise on using timers is much easier to maintain because it is in the main classpath and it will benefit from refactoring and it is guarded by unit tests in the main jbpm test suite. The latter makes that it is very easy for someone else to maintain your contribution.


    CVS repository

    • We are very lenient about granting CVS access. show us some code and that you have a clue and you're in. we just ask that you distribute your code under LGPL, you retain copyright of course.

    • Your contributions are only used if you stick to what you have produced. Meaning, just throwing an initial attempt into CVS and hope that it will start growing by itself does not work.

    • Anything you do is appreciated and you never have to do something you don't like. ain't that great ?!

    • A lot of people look at your work. Don't be shy. On the contrary, you'll get a lot of tips and hints to improve your software and your skills.

    • You work as you want : you can just perform tasks that other people propose or you can take the lead of a component.

    • JbpmCodingGuidelines (not really important)


    • Before you can contribute code, you need to sign the jboss contributor's agreement and send in an access request with a SSH key:


    Committer access requires a digital signiture to the contributor agreements:


    For committer access requests, please send an email to jbpm-admin -at- redhat -dot- com with following details:

    • Your full name.

    • Your SSH public key.

    • A valid email address for us to use.

    • Your SourceForge username IF you had committer access before the CVS migration

    • Your website username.


    Here's more information on how to get create an SSH-key and access to the jboss CVS repository.


    The overall jboss contributions page and it looks quite similar to this one


    Developers access to the cvs repository:

    • Connection type: ext over ssh (extssh in eclipse)

    • User: username or jboss username

    • Host:

    • Port: 2401 (which is the default)

    • Repository path: /cvsroot/jbpm

    • Label:

    • Module: jbpm.3


    Questions or trouble? contact admin-at-jbpm-dot-org


    jBPM 3.0 Development Instructions



    jBPM 3.0 contributions

    With this list, everyone can just throw in and share their reusable jBPM ideas right here in the wiki ! Feel free to add yours.


    jBPM 2.0 contributions


    • JbpmCustomHandlers

    • JbpmAdminContrib

    • WorkflowEnvironmentForJbossJbpm

    • JpbmSimplestJspApplicationV2

    • JbpmSchedulerStrutsPlugIn : a Struts plug-in for triggering the JBPM Scheduler component.