Version 4



    Lossless and FIFO delivery of unicast messages.


    Configuration Example


          <UNICAST timeout="1200,2400,3600"></UNICAST>


    Configuration Parameters


    idGive the protocol a different ID if needed so we can have multiple instances of it in the same stack
    levelSets the logger level (see javadocs)
    loopbackWhether to loop back messages sent to self. Default is false
    max_msg_batch_sizeMax number of messages to be removed from the AckReceiverWindow. This property might get removed anytime, so don't use it !
    max_retransmit_timeMax number of milliseconds we try to retransmit a message to any given member. After that, the connection is removed. Any new connection to that member will start with seqno #1 again. 0 disables this
    nameGive the protocol a different name if needed so we can have multiple instances of it in the same stack
    statsDetermines whether to collect statistics (and expose them via JMX). Default is true



    See also Protocol Configuration Common Parameters.


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