Version 42

    Quick start guide to developing JBoss Portal


    Jboss Portal is in the process of migrating to Maven for the build (View the current status).


    This page covers the basics on using Maven and Ant to build Jboss Portal. JBP will continue to run both Ant and MAven in parallel until all code is building with Maven.

    This reference should also provide folks that are interested in contributing to the development of JBoss Portal with a comfortable launching pad that does not necessarily assume a background in the development of JBoss AS.


    Please take a look at the Portal reference manual before anything else.


    Instructions for checking out the latest revision.


    See instructions on Portal's subversion usage. All the commands thereafter will assume that you are at the root of the checked out Portal source code.


    Ant-Baseline build from command line


    cd build; sh


    This will create a thirdparty directory containing the libraries needed to compile Portal. This will require internet access and might take a while the first time this is done. Ulterior invocation will just check for updated/new libraries.


    You can deploy Portal by running:


    cd build; sh deploy


    Note that this deploy a bare installation of Portal. You might want to deploy additional modules to augment Portal's capabilities. See Portal's modules list for more information. Alternatively, you can use the deploy-all Ant task that will deploy all the available modules for a complete Portal install.


    Ant-Baseline tests from command line

    cd testsuite; sh tests


    You can look at the generated reports by opening testsuite/output/reports/index.html in a browser.


    Maven-Baseline build from command line

    If you want to learn more about maven, please visit The Jboss Maven Wiki for a list of resources and links.


    We are using modules/common for an example. As of the writing of this wiki page, common is currently the only part of Jboss Portal using maven for a build.


    1.You should have Maven installed.


    • Go to page

    • Download version 2.x.x and install on your local computer

    • Add Maven bin folder to your PATH

    • Type mvn -version in the command line. If you see Maven's version on the screen, you are ready to begin.


    2.Navigate to your PortalSvnCheckoutDirectory/modules/common/trunk.

    • From here you can run any of the maven lifecycle commands to package up the jars, run tests, or view test coverage, etc...

    • A few commands to run are:

      • mvn install

      • mvn test

      • mvn site

        • mvn site will produce a html based web site which is helpful for viewing unwanted dependencies, test coverage, and contributors.


    Configuring the eclipse environment

    The page UsingEclipse describes how JBoss Portal can be imported into Eclipse for development.


    Configuring Idea



    Selecting and working on JIRA issue

    • Iterative development

      • TODO

    • Adding test cases

      • TODO

    • Implementing the fix

      • TODO


    Creating and submitting a patch

      • TODO