Version 8

    JBossESB Subversion Repository



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    The subversion repository contains four areas used by differing parts of the development process

    • trunk

    • tags

    • branches

    • workspace





    This is the main area of development and likely to be the most fluid.  It can be used directly for small, incremental, development that is safe to share with the other developers.  This is the definitive area for the latest version of the source code.



    This area contains copies of all releases that have been made.  Each release should be copied into this hierarchy once it has been finalised, with no further development taking place within this hierarchy.


    The immediate children of this area should be named after the release.



    This area is used for applying modifications to a release.  The original release should be copied from the tags hierarchy prior to development and copied into a new tag once released.


    The immediate children of this area should be named after the name of intended release.



    This is a scratch area that should be used for development which will be intrusive to the code base or which will take place over an extended period.  The modifications should be merged back into the trunk once complete and then deleted from this hierarchy.


    The immediate children of this area should be named after the developer who creates the entry.  How entries are named below that level is up to the developer. You can use JBossESBWorkingEnvironments to describe what you are working on.