Version 8

    Slimming JBoss 4.0.x


    version 4.0.4 and 4.0.5


    Note: for AS 5.x slimming see JBoss5xTuningSlimming




    This guide is organized as a series of subtopics.  Meaning each subtopic assumes that you have done nothing else and focuses on one single service.  It is a work in progress.


    Each topic has a version tag at the top.  This version tells you the version the topic was written/tested with.  It does not mean that it is only useful for that version, only that it has not been revised or tested with later versions.  "and later" means the topic is generic enough to not be very version dependent.  Where a topic has been tested or revised for multiple versions, they are each listed.  Sub-headers or boldfaced type are used to denote divergence between two covered versions.  Where two versions are significantly different a seperate topic is used i.e. "... from JBossAS 4.0.5".


    JBoss 4.0.0 had a very different deployment structure from more recent revisions.  It is presumed that 4.0.4 was about when that deployment structure stabilized.  It is strongly recommended that you upgrade to at least this version (in general and before using these guides).


    Also Please note that the previous Slimming and Tuning Document for 3.x.x also has sections that apply to 4.0.x.

