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December 6, 2012 Previous day Next day

We are proud to announce GateIn Portal 3.5.0.Final release after three months of development.



A few blog posts already covered the 3.5 features, nevertheless, allow me do a short recap of most exciting aspects of this release.



JBoss Application 7 Integration has been reworked and stabilized. We had good discussion in the community and with AS developers that lead us to an improved layout and configuration.



New eXo JCR 1.15 which is core storage mechanism. You can find full coverage of important features here.



We have updated a lot of core components. WSRP and WS-Security are now fully relying on Apache CXF stack. New PicketLink Federation for SAML. Infinispan powering most of caching layer. And those are just few main examples



Configuration has been improved in lot of places - mainly visible for SSO and clustering



We have finalized the JavaScript modularity introduced since GateIn 3.3 and we now support JavaScript modules based on Asynchronous Module Definition powered by the RequireJS implementation. The JavaScript documentation has been rewritten in two parts: the first covers the modularity in a formal manner and the second is a cookbook providing recipes for modularity such as AMD modules, CommonJS modules, jQuery plugins, multiple versions of jQuery, etc... GateIn comes with a few packaged examples highlighting the cookbook recipes.



Speaking about documentation it has been migrated into new place: the whole team spent a great amount of time to rewrite and improve key parts of it. You can also find a lot of new content in Developers Guide - it will help to bootstrap portlets development and altering of portal configuration.



To help developers even more we have now great set of ready to use examples. Those are part of GateIn Portal QuickStarts which you can download or clone directly from github repository and start developing portlets right away.

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