The Overloard has awakened - Kurt has been cranking on S-RAMP and created this awesome video - while I love a good blog post, I really love a good blog post with a great accompanying video!  If you are interested in BPMN2 and workflow governance then you really need to see what is going on in Project Overlord


Not only have we delivered the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.1.0 Alpha last week (FAQ), but we have now released the JBoss Developer Studio 7 Alpha 1 based on Eclipse Kepler as well the Fuse technology based on Apache Active-MQ and Apache Camel.  That is an amazing amount of enterprise-class middleware hitting the community!


Integration - JBoss Fuse Beta - you can download the new beta version, watch several videos and explore the demo source code.  


Tools - JBDS 7 Alpha - Updated to support JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.1 Alpha 1 - please download both and give it a try.  You can simply unzip the application server into the "runtimes" directory of JBDS and upon restart, it will automatically detect that you have a new app server and ask if you wish to configure it.


JSF Components - RichFaces ready for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.1


JBoss Forge 1.2.2 has arrived - our command line tools that aid in rapid application development have a new blog and video.  

Forge is integrated into JBoss Tools/JBoss Developer Studio - use the Window - Show View - Other - Forge Console or simply Command/Control-4 on the keyboard.  (note: JBDS version of Forge is still 1.1.2 with 1.2.2 coming soon). 


Alien Adventure - The Arquillian (Created to defend the software galaxy from bugs) community cranks out their Weld Container 1.0.0.CR6


NoSQL at - Shane Johnson takes on the theoritical computer scientists with his posting related to Partition Tolerance. And if you have not heard, is a fantastic place to learn more about JBoss in enterprise. infrastructure - our team has the thankless job of maintaining a MASSIVE developer-focused community site but they keep bringing the enhancements - check out this post by Vlastimil on Atlassian GreenHopper upgrade - get your agile on.   In addition, Vlastimil also posted about to show GitHub (or Bitbucket) commits in our Jira!


Hibernate and Bean Validation - Did you know Bean Validation is not standing still?  Enhancements to the specification lead to enhancements in the TCK and of course Hibernate Validator.  Check out this posting by Hardy.


New Book on Drools - Drools Starter


Beta 3 of CapeDwarf is available - bringing portability those Google AppEngine Apps


The Errai team has uploaded a series of videos from JavaOne 2012 - check 'em out.


RHQ and D3.js is pretty awesome stuff - and our RHQ project has been integrating it - check out Heiko's blog


Secret Agent Tricks, also in the RHQ world, Mazz talks up a recent enhancement to RHQ to deal with those sneaky agents.


Ceylon M5 "Nesa Pong" is now available for download


Do you have gnarly schema problems?  Then virtualize your data with Teiid 8.3.0.Final with OData and JSON support