So why are we late this week, risking the ire of our readers, or in the least a disapproving nod and finger pointing to the calendar? The reason is simple, and it will satisfy everyone: we've been at Devoxx! Present in massive numbers at one of the biggest Java conferences of the year, the JBoss team has been busy talking, hacking, socializing and ensuring that the quality of Belgian beer hasn't taken a sudden turn for the worse.


Devoxx, JBoss style ... JBoss team has been quite active at Devoxx, delivering conference talks, university sessions, labs and a BOF. A complete list of the talks (which will be accessible on delivered by JBossians is available here. Apart from that, JBoss (and Red Hat) projects have participated en masse at the Hackergarten, with more than 10 project proposals (almost 75% of the all proposals). One of the most active projects during Hackergarten was Arquillian, and Dan Allen has written a pretty detailed account of Arquillian's participation at Hackergarten, together with a list of the most important contributions.








... and JBoss AS is closer to getting a new name !

  As important as the conference itself was

the future name of the application server. At the keynote on Thursday, Mark Little and Ray Ploski have annouced the five candidates for the future name of the server. On his blog, Mark Little has provided some details of the rename process. So ... vote from now until November 30th and you'll see the next name announced at the beginning of 2013.


Advanced management options for JBoss AS7


Following the series of great articles from, Francesco Marchioni published a tutorial on how to write Python (via Jython) scripts for managing JBoss AS7, using the CLI enhancements brought by the latest version of the application server.


In the same spirit, Heiko Braun provided a preview of the enhacements to be found in version 1.5.0 of the management console, such as the enhanced domain overview.


Public draft of CDI 1.1


Pete Muir has announced a public draft for CDI 1.1, which includes  a large number of improvements and clarifications over CDI 1.0. This is an important milestone, as CDI continues to become more integrated with other parts of the Java EE specification, playing a more and more central role as the core development model of Java EE.


Persisting discovery responses with TCPPING


In his blog, Bela Ban describes a new feature of jGroups, allowing TCPPING to be used in more dynamic scenarios, introducing a caching discovery protocol named PDC.


Asynchronous CDI bean management in Errai


Mike Brock has published a preview of an upcoming feature of Errai 3.0: asynchronous bean creation with CDI.





Upcoming appearances


  • Kris Verlaenen will deliver talks at JBUGs Sydney (November 19) and Melbourne (November 20). Be there!



This is all for this week, bear with us for the latest deployments and don't forget to  ...