0 Replies Latest reply on May 13, 2011 2:28 PM by nathanlive

    javax.xml.ws.service getport not generate correct wsdl url on JBoss 6


      JBoss 6 run on localhost:8080

      Webservice call by jboss ejb url http://locahost:9090/webservice/HelloService?wsdl


      The code in EJB to build webservice port is:


      URL wsdlUrl = new("http://locahost:9090/webservice/HelloService?wsdl);

      Service service = Service.create(wsdlUrl,serviceName);

      HelloServicePortType helloPort = service.getPort(HelloServicePortType.class);


      at the first time call the helloPort generate correct, it use http://locahost:9090/webservice/HelloService?wsdl as wsdl location

      then every call after first time call the wsdl location auto change to http://locahost:8080/webservice/HelloService?wsdl.


      The code run on JBoss 5 fine, when migrate to JBoss 6, the problem happen.



      Is this a JBoss 6 bug?