8 Replies Latest reply on Sep 4, 2011 11:20 PM by shouvanik

    How to develop gatein using eclipse?

      I want to develop gatein using eclipse,so I download the source file ,unzip it,import into eclipse ,lots of errors happend

      Any ideas?


        • 1. Re: How to develop gatein using eclipse?
          I usually just import it as a maven project, havn't had any issues using it that way
          • 2. Re: How to develop gatein using eclipse?

            Project->properties->maven->include modules did not checked by default ,when I checked this option,then ok.....


            thanks ..

            • 3. Re: How to develop gatein using eclipse?

              It's likely that config of your Maven Eclipse plugin is wrong.


              You could try to build GateIn, then generate the Eclipse project files ( i refer to  .settings , .project, .classpath ) with command line of Maven and finally import the projects.


              Browse to the root directory of GateIn project


              - mvn clean install  ( to build)  (1)


              - mvn eclipse:eclipse (to generate the Eclipse project files)


              (1) does not always work and the magic command to make it works is  'mvn clean install -DskipTests=true'

              • 4. Re: How to develop gatein using eclipse?

                you don't need to do anything fancy with eclipse and maven anymore (well maybe if you are using old versions), you don't need any .project or .classpath files to start with.


                All you need to do is either:


                file-> new -> new project -> maven -> checkout maven project from scm (and then give it the svn location of the project)




                file -> import -> general -> maven projects (and give it the location of the maven project)


                In either case it will recreate the proper .project and .classpath files and everything will work fine (you can even specifiy if you want everything in one project or separate projects per maven module).

                • 5. Re: How to develop gatein using eclipse?



                  Thank you very much,It is cool, but 60+ projects are there in the workbench in this approach,can we except some doc on environment set up used by GateIn dev team.,please .




                  • 6. Re: How to develop gatein using eclipse?

                    yes, when you create the project, under advance, you need to uncheck 'separate projects for modules'. This will create everything under one project.


                    Be warned that the default behaviour is more correct (one project per artifact) since a project is bound to one classpath and each artifact can have its own classpath.

                    I rarely run into problems using the one project approach, but you can run into some classpath issues which don't actually exist during the maven build.

                    • 7. Re: How to develop gatein using eclipse?

                      Hi Matt,


                      How to run Gatein after import the source in Eclipse? Can we start Gatein in goal such as jetty:run?

                      • 8. Re: How to develop gatein using eclipse?

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