0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 21, 2011 3:16 PM by javajd

    Eclipse Project fails to publish(Indigo + Tools 3.2 + AS 6.0)


      Under current company approved software I am allowed to run the following combination:

      Eclipse Indigo

      JBoss Tools 3.2

      JBoss AS 6.0


      I am behind a firewall and not able to access the update sites.  I manually installed the Server Adapter by:

      1. Downloading the JBoss Tools 3.2 Zip file from the approved software drive

      2. In Eclipse, Install New Software, and pointed at the jar file

      3. Under Web and Java EE Development selected JBossAS Tools


      With a simple "hello world" html page bundled up in a .war file, I verified deployement via the dos command line and successfully accessed the page.


      I then, in Eclipse, went to the Server page, and configured a JBoss AS Server pointing at the 6.0 Installation Directory with the "hello world" project added.  I started a web page within Eclipse and was able to see the "hello world" page.


      I then changed the verbage on the html page to "hello worlds", in the Server Tab in Eclipse [republish] was the status.  I then STOPPED the running server.  I right mouse clicked the "hello world" project under the Server and selected "Full Publish" and received the following:



      An internal error occurred during: "Publishing to JBoss 6.0 Server...".





      I have googled and clicked several sites for clues for the better part of 3 hours only to find one very slight reference that saving changes to a file does not guarantee an automatic republish which does not match what I am seeing.


      Please provide guidance on anything else I can do to provide a working relationship between Eclipse Indigo + JBoss 6.0 for development purposes, i.e. being able to publish to the Server.


      Thank you in advance for your time and consideration!