2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 28, 2011 7:49 AM by mnorsic

    [jbpm5] how to start a humantask in subprocess


      The attachment  is my simple jbpm project about starting a humantask in a subprocess.

      the there was an Exception when I ran the project.

      I have no idea about this situation.

      The attachment including a screenshot of my debug test and my project.


      Waiting for your guidance! Thank you!

        • 1. Re: [jbpm5] how to start a humantask in subprocess

          Hi jeffery, sorry but you are going to have to do your own homework and at least try to look at the logs before you just upload your zip and just expect the community to solve all the problems for you. We are more than willing to help you, but you have to be able to point to specific issues rather than just saying >> I have no idea about this situation. <<. If you are looking for support subscription, please contact RedHat and they would be more than happy to get you hooked up.



          • 2. Re: [jbpm5] how to start a humantask in subprocess

            Hi jeffery,

            without delving too deeply into your code, but it seems that user "krisv" you are using on Mina Connector does not belong to a group "RTeam", hence the error you've described. I think users and groups are predefined and loaded into a human task service from MVEL files upon application server startup.


