4 Replies Latest reply on Sep 23, 2011 7:45 AM by mairr

    No Persistence library in Hibernate Tools Eclipse Plugin?


      Hello all,

      I am new to Hibernate and need some help.


      I am using Eclipse Indigo and Hibernate Tools Eclipse Plugin 3.4.


      I've successfully setup hibernate configuration including database driver, connection url and selected the java project where hibernate will be used.


      For mapping I want to use Annotation, so i could "mark" the fields, with attributes  (@Entity, @id...).


      To do this I must use imports:

      import javax.persistence.Entity;

      import javax.persistence.Id;

      import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;


      But those imports couldn't be resolved.


      Shouldn't plugin take care of those jars??


      How can I fix it?

