2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 12, 2011 4:27 AM by eaa

    Passing variables to signalEvent


      I am using the following to trigger and event in my process:


      StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = JPAKnowledgeService.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(kbase, null, env);

      ksession.signalEvent("wait4_signal_event", parameters);


      parameters is a Map<String,Object> that is created elsewhere.


      <intermediateCatchEvent id="wait4_signal" name="wait4_signal">

      <signalEventDefinition signalRef="wait4_signal_event"/>



      I realize that the parameters that is executed after the signal is sent is not what i passed int he signalEvent. It keeps using the values before the process reached the intermediateCatchEvent  in the flow. I saw from some examples that I can use dataOutput to pass a variable. but how can I do this for multiple variables. like those contain in the Map? Or, a different way to pass the variables instead of in a map?

        • 1. Re: Passing variables to signalEvent

          You usually should send an object that will represent the event that you are signalling. I usually send something more representative like an object that represent the event and in the case that you need to send a map of parameter you should create an object to wrap that map and add more semantic meaning to the event. You can take a look at the emergency services application to see how we are sending events and how we are using that information in different activities of the process.




          Best Regards

          • 2. Re: Passing variables to signalEvent

            As Mauricio mentioned, the best and more clear way to handle events is to have your own Event class with all the attributes you need. Using a Map is a dirty solution in my opinion.