1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 7, 2011 3:32 PM by bpmn2user

    Switch from localhost to hostname




      I am trying to get jBPM to listen on my hostname rather than the localhost.


      I found this:



      JBoss listens on localhost only by default.  To make it listen on the hostname also, start it with the -b flag:at

      run.bat -b

      this will make it listen on every available address on that machine. To limit to a single address, replace with your IP address.



      The build file contains:


      <target name="start.jboss">

      <property name="jboss.full.path.win" location="${jboss.home}/bin/run.bat"/>

      <exec spawn="yes" osfamily="windows" executable="${jboss.full.path.win}">

         <arg value="-b"/>
         <arg value="${jboss.bind.address}"/>




      The variable jboss.bind.address looks as follows:

      <property name="jboss.bind.address" value="localhost"/>


      So I replaced localhost with my IP, but still no success.


      Am I missing something?


      I also started the IIS in order to test it and I could get through, so I guess it shouldnt be a firewall issue.


      Best regards,

