1 2 Previous Next 20 Replies Latest reply on May 9, 2011 6:46 AM by michal.warecki Go to original post
      • 15. jboss as 5 jbpm 5.1 persistence

        I think the problem is only with drools tasks. I use jbpm statefull knowledge base with clean jboss transactions and everything works with CMT ( Container Managed Transactions ) without any problems.


        I don't think that there is solution to make drools tasks works with JTA but I could be wrong.

        jBPM/Drools developer should clear out that situation :-)

        • 16. Re: jboss as 5 jbpm 5.1 persistence


          I should mention that we use tasks without Mina server (or other), calling taskSession directly, inspirated by this discussion


          Not sure if this is really related to transaction problem.


          My workitem handler which works with tasks looks like this:


          public void executeWorkItem(WorkItem workItem, WorkItemManager manager) {

                  // create new task, get info from WF


                  // get task details from workitem

                  Task newTask = new Task();

                  String taskName = (String) workItem.getParameter("TaskName");




                  taskSession.addTask(newTask, taskParameters);




          What do you think?

          • 17. Re: jboss as 5 jbpm 5.1 persistence

            This is not related to the problem. I think you can't do that with JTA but I'm not sure.

            Mauricio Salatino should have more knowledge in this topic so I hope he will give you ( and me as well ) some advise. I'm very interested in this topic becouse I had a lot of problems with CMT and drools tasks so I hope he will answer :-)

            • 18. Re: jboss as 5 jbpm 5.1 persistence

              Thank you for you comments, I was also hoping that Mauricio starts again responding to this discussions.


              I managed to find out where and when exactly it goes down with JDBC commit failed java.sql.SQLException: You cannot commit during a managed transaction!


              When the org.drools.persistence.jpa.processinstance.JPAWorkItemManager is called and then it calls some function in org.jbpm.task.service.TaskServiceSession which has doOperationInTransaction (with commit()).


              In JPAWorkItemManager it calls

              PersistenceContext context = ((PersistenceContextManager) env.get( EnvironmentName.PERSISTENCE_CONTEXT_MANAGER )).getCommandScopedPersistenceContext();

              which propably doesn't like when there is later tx.commit(); (tx is RESOURCE_LOCAL transition)


              Any further insight?

              • 19. jboss as 5 jbpm 5.1 persistence

                Finally, I found solution for this.


                In datasource for tasks it should be no-tx-datasource. See


                and http://community.jboss.org/wiki/ConfigDataSources


                Thank you to all for your insights about transactions.

                • 20. jboss as 5 jbpm 5.1 persistence

                  This is one solution but I'm not sure that this is good solution :-) I think in this case if one of drools tasks operation fails and main transaction commit then there might be some incompatibillity in data. Am I right ?

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