1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 5, 2011 6:30 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Inplace Input oldValue not available




      I have the inplaceInput configured as follows.


      <rich:inplaceInput rendered="#{!dryContacts}" 
          id="profileNameColumn" value="#{profilesOnDevice.description}" showControls="true"
          editEvent="dblclick" onchange="Spot.Util.inplaceEdit(event);"
          selectOnEdit="true" maxlength="30">
          <a4j:ajax event="change" listener="#{profile.doEditProfileName}"
                onsubmit="if(!Spot.Util.inplaceSubmit(#{rich:component('profileNameColumn')},event)) return false;"
          <f:validateLength maximum="100"/>


      In the Spot.Util.inplaceEdit js method I was using event.memo.OldValue to get access to the oldValue in versions prior to 4.0.

      currently "memo" is undefined in the event object.

      Is there some way i can get access to the oldValue?

      Is it even required to access the oldValue to set it to the component as was required to be done earlier using the onviewactivation/onviewactivated events.

