2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 27, 2011 5:39 PM by vsp

    some jBPM5 - Oryx integration questions




      Given that Oryx is not distributed with jBPM5, I was wondering what work was done on Oryx in order to integrate it with jBPM5.   In particular, how are the models persisted:  in Oryx's db schema in JSON format? in jBPM5's schema in BPMN 2.0 format?  both?    If one modifies an existing model through Oryx, do the changes get reflected in the corresponding BPMN model?


      I noticed the jbpm-installer uses a version - does this correspond with Intalio's version?  If so, could the latest Intalio version ( or so) be used instead of   How different are these distributions from the original Oryx from google code?


      Also, is this integration work different than what Signavio did to integrate with jBPM4?


      Many questions - just trying to clarify the landscape 




        • 1. some jBPM5 - Oryx integration questions

          We are upgrading to the latest version of the designer.  The integration code will make sure that the processes you edit in oryx are not stored in the proprietary json format (as we don't understand that) but transformed to standardized BPMN2 xml before being stored into guvnor.  Note that this is still work in progress which should be completed soon.



          • 2. some jBPM5 - Oryx integration questions

            Thanks, Kris.   Two related questions:


            1.  will it be possible to use a custom persistence strategy, instead of the default one of storing into guvnor?  For example to be able to store the BPMN XML directly into a database, so that the whole guvnor / jackrabbit etc subsystem is not required.


            2.  will the Oryx model <-> persistence roundtrip be possible?   In other words, is there a BPMN -> JSON available as well?  And will the resulting JSON be equivalent to the original, so that the model's diagram is represented in Oryx exactly as it was saved (icon locations etc)?


            Thanks again,
