2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 17, 2010 9:15 AM by sergio.celentano

    Use JBoss AOP to do fault injection experiments


      Hi all,

      I am wondering if I can use JBoss AOP to modify "on the fly" methods input parameters.


      I will explain better the scenario. I would like to conduct some robustness tests on a middleware used by an application deployed on JBoss. The middleware API are provided by a jar library file imported into the /lib folder of JBoss. My idea is the following: I'd like to intercept the calls of the middleware API methods made by the application and modify them submitting some "arbitrary" input values (and later see what happens).


      I ran into the JBoss AOP framework and I want to know if it effectively matches my porpuse.


      Thanks in advance for any feedback.

      Kind regards,

