1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 6, 2010 5:19 AM by charleslcso

    Please help! http://server.com:7080/ to http://server.com/uri/




      I am for the first time using JBoss AS, because the application I need to use uses JBoss as the container.


      The application is already up and running, and can be accessed via http://server.com:7080. Subsequently all functions are represented in the URL :





      My ultimate goal is to integrate this application into our Apache2 via proxy, which is already up and running. All applications are to be accessed via https://www.com/<nameofapp>/


      In this JBoss's case, I need to configure the things so that it can be accessed via :



      The above URLs will become :





      I have read through the following article "JBoss Integration with Apache 2.0" @ http://community.jboss.org/thread/91986?tstart=0, but I don't think it is relevant since I only have 1 JBoss instance.


      Can someone give me a pointer on how to configure JBoss? Basically JBoss need to be told that the URL is now /tyui, instead of at the root. I hope to simply use the following in Apache2 config files :


      ProxyPass /tyui http://server.com:7080/tyui retry=5

      ProxyPassReverse /tyui http://server.com:7080/tyui