1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 20, 2010 1:13 AM by rick.dong

    FieldWriteInvocation.getValue does not reflecting changes made along interceptors


      I have two field write interceptors A and B that is instrumented on a particular fileld. A gets invoked before B. Can someone please confirm whether the following should work?


      class A implements Interceptor
           public final Object invoke(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable 
                if (invocation instanceof FieldWriteInvocation)
                     FieldWriteInvocation fwi = (FieldWriteInvocation)invocation;
                     Integer value = fwi.getValue(); //value here is 1 suppose
                     fwi.setValue(2); //change the value          
                return invocation.invokeNext();


      after A is done, B is invoked



      class B implements Interceptor


           public final Object invoke(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable


                if (invocation instanceof FieldWriteInvocation)


                     FieldWriteInvocation fwi = (FieldWriteInvocation)invocation;

                     Integer value = fwi.getValue(); //value here should've been 2, but still is 1 (bug??)


                return invocation.invokeNext();





      I was trying to change the final value that gets set to a field by using the interceptors, but it seems never works. Also setting a breakpoint

      at getValue() seems never gets triggered. I've created an issue @ https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBAOP-802.





        • 1. Re: FieldWriteInvocation.getValue does not reflecting changes made along interceptors

          digging into the code, it seems that this could be a bug


          private static class WriteBaseClassGenerator extends BaseClassGenerator
                private static final String GET_VALUE = "getValue";
                private static final String SET_VALUE = "setValue";


                protected CtClass setupClass()throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException
                   CtClass setUp = super.setupClass();
                   CtField valueField = new CtField(getArgumentType(), TYPED_VALUE_FIELD, setUp);
                   CtMethod oldGetValue = WRITE_INVOCATION_CT_TYPE.getDeclaredMethod(GET_VALUE);
                   CtMethod getValue = CtNewMethod.make(oldGetValue.getReturnType(),
                         GET_VALUE, oldGetValue.getParameterTypes(),
                         oldGetValue.getExceptionTypes(), "{return ($w)" + TYPED_VALUE_FIELD + ";}",
                   CtMethod oldSetValue = WRITE_INVOCATION_CT_TYPE.getDeclaredMethod(SET_VALUE);
                   CtMethod setValue = CtNewMethod.make(oldSetValue.getReturnType(),
                         GET_VALUE, oldSetValue.getParameterTypes(),
                         oldSetValue.getExceptionTypes(), "{" + TYPED_VALUE_FIELD + " = " +
                               "$1") + ";}", setUp);
                   return setUp;


          Shouldn't the bolded part be SET_VALUE instead for the set to take effect?


          Message was edited by: Rick Dong