2 Replies Latest reply on May 17, 2010 6:05 AM by ret

    nested Interceptor-calls


      Hello there,


      i noticed, that nested methodcalls not raise an interception if the methods ar called from an @Interceptor-annotated method (tested for same Interceptor).

      an example:



      public class ParameterServiceImpl extends BaseEntityServiceImpl<Parameter> implements ParameterService, ParameterServiceLocal {
          @Interceptors(ParameterReloader.class) // first i tried without this...
          public void create(String name, String value, Company company, boolean visible, boolean readonly) {
              Parameter p = new Parameter(name, value, company, visible, readonly);
          public void create(Parameter entity) {


      the first method calls the create(Parameter)-method, but the 2nd methodcall does not raise Interception.

      At first i tried it without annotating the first method and wondering that nothing happens (expected Action if the 2nd method get called).


      So this is a bug or a feature to prevent infinite Interceptor-loops?




      2010-05-14 17:10:04,122 DEBUG [de.xxx.business.service.core.CompanyServiceImpl] create(Integer,String) in 10ms
      2010-05-14 17:10:04,122 DEBUG [de.xxx.business.service.core.interceptor.ParameterReloader] ParameterReloader: executed method = create
      2010-05-14 17:10:04,153 DEBUG [de.xxx.business.service.core.ParameterServiceImpl] findByName(String,Company) in 3ms
      2010-05-14 17:10:04,153 DEBUG [de.xxx.business.service.core.ParameterHolderImpl] reload(String,Company) in 5ms


      my Interceptor:


      public class ParameterReloader {
          private Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
          private EJBContext ejbContext;
          public Object intercept(InvocationContext context) throws Exception{
              LOG.debug("ParameterReloader: executed method = " + context.getMethod().getName());
              try {
                  return context.proceed();
              } finally {
                  try {
                      Object[] par = context.getParameters();
                      String mname = context.getMethod().getName();
                      // wenn Methodenname delete oder create oder update
                      if ("delete".equals(mname) || "create".equals(mname) || "update".equals(mname)) {
                          ParameterHolderLocal ph = (ParameterHolderLocal) ejbContext.lookup(ParameterHolderLocal.JNDI_BINDING);
                          // wenn nur ein Argument übergeben (Parameter)
                          if (par.length == 1 && par[0] instanceof Parameter) {
                              Parameter p = (Parameter) par[0];
                              // wenn in delete-Methode
                              if ("delete".equals(mname)) {
                              // sonst update oder create
                              } else {
                          // public void create(String name, String value, Company company, boolean visible, boolean readonly)
                          // public void create(String name, String value, Company company)
                          } else if ((par.length == 5 || par.length == 3 ) && par[0] instanceof String && par[2] instanceof Company) {
                              ph.reload((String) par[0], (Company) par[2]);
                  } catch (final Exception e) {
                      // Pokemon Exception Handling - gotta catch 'em all!
                      if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
                          LOG.warn("cannot refresh ParameterHolder: ", e);
        • 1. Re: nested Interceptor-calls

          Your call to 2nd method from the 1st method is a plain Java method invocation. So no EJB or Interceptor semantics apply. See this discussion for a more detailed explanation http://community.jboss.org/message/525521#525521

          • 2. Re: nested Interceptor-calls

            works fine now:


                private javax.ejb.SessionContext sessionContext;
                // here i can remove interceptor now :)
                public void create(String name, String value, Company company, boolean visible, boolean readonly) {
                    Parameter p = new Parameter(name, value, company, visible, readonly);
                    // call Proxy here to raise interception
                    ParameterServiceLocal ps = this.sessionContext.getBusinessObject(ParameterServiceLocal.class);


            thank you!