5 Replies Latest reply on Feb 9, 2010 4:08 AM by thingol

    Installing jBPM 4.3 in tomcat 5.5

      Hi Friends,


      I want to install jBPM 4.3 in Apache Tomcat 5.5, as we already have another application running on it.


      So is it possible to install jBPM 4.3 in tomcat 5.5??


      I have already tried it successfully using apache tomcat 6.0 and "install.jbpm.into.tomcat" ant script.


      Waiting for your reply!!


      Thanks in Advance

        • 1. Re: Installing jBPM 4.3 in tomcat 5.5
          Why don't you just try it? It's not that much work if it succeeds and if it fails you have more info.
          • 2. Re: Installing jBPM 4.3 in tomcat 5.5

            Hey i tried that first, but doesn't worked.


            In Install/build.xml file i made the following changes:


            <property name="tomcat.version" value="5.5.28" />
            <property name="tomcat.parent.dir" value="${jbpm.home}" />
            <property name="tomcat.home" value="C:\apache-tomcat-5.5.28" />


            when i run this ant script, i got the following error:


            C:\jbpm-4.3\install>ant install.jbpm.into.tomcat
            Buildfile: build.xml
                 [echo] database......... oracle
                 [echo] tx............... standalone
                 [echo] mail.smtp.host... localhost


                 [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\jbpm-4.3\install\generated\cfg
                 [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\jbpm-4.3\install\generated\cfg
                 [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\jbpm-4.3\install\generated\cfg
                 [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\jbpm-4.3\install\generated\cfg
                 [echo] database......... oracle
                 [echo] tx............... standalone
                 [echo] mail.smtp.host... localhost




                  [jar] Building jar: C:\apache-tomcat-5.5.28\lib\jbpm.cfg.jar


            BUILD FAILED
            C:\jbpm-4.3\install\build.xml:471: Problem creating jar: C:\apache-tomcat-5.5.2
            \lib\jbpm.cfg.jar (The system cannot find the path specified) (and the archive
            s probably corrupt but I could not delete it)


            What i understood from this error is that, the directory structure of tomcat 5.5.28 is different from tomcat 6.0 directory structure.


            So, what should i do to install it successfully?


            Thanks in advance


            • 3. Re: Installing jBPM 4.3 in tomcat 5.5



              I haven't tried jBPM4 on Tomcat 5.5 myself, but the first thing you should to is open file C:\jbpm-4.3\install\build.xml and find the following line


              <property name="tomcat.lib.dir" value="${tomcat.home}/lib" />


              then change it to Tomcat 5.5 library directory path, it should be commons/lib if I'm not mistaking so the property value would be "${tomcat.home}/commons/lib". Also check the other properties that begin with the word 'tomcat'.

              • 4. Re: Installing jBPM 4.3 in tomcat 5.5

                Thanks Andrius 4 ur reply !!!!


                With response to ur reply, I tried to change the following property as :


                  <property name="tomcat.version" value="5.5.28" />
                  <property name="tomcat.parent.dir" value="${jbpm.home}" />
                  <property name="tomcat.home" value="C:/apache-tomcat-5.5.28" />
                  <property name="tomcat.filename" value="apache-tomcat-${tomcat.version}.zip" />
                  <property name="tomcat.lib.dir" value="${tomcat.home}/common/lib" />
                  <property name="tomcat.webapps.dir" value="${tomcat.home}/webapps" />


                and the directory structure of "tomcat 5.5.28" on my PC is




                but still I am facing the same error as above, it seems like it doesnot read the updated properties


                Any pointer is welcome




                • 5. Re: Installing jBPM 4.3 in tomcat 5.5



                  to install jbpm on tomcat 5.5 you need to :


                  Download xercesImpl-2.8.1.jar and install it on common\lib. Launch tomcat with environnement variable :







                  Get all lib from apache-tomcat-6.0.20\lib and add them in  jbpm-console\WEB-INF\lib.

                  Add commons-collections-3.2.1.jarin the same folder