Version 1



    Since Indigo is a new version of eclipse and a new version of all our dependencies, we're going to become more strict on how we declare our eclipse dependencies. As of now, most plugins have a tendency to *not* declare version ranges in their, and we're going to begin to change that. One of the tools we will use in the future is API tooling that comes with eclipse to check backwards compatibility, but that will come later. In preparation for that, we are going to declare our new baseline to be the Indigo GA release.



    What does this mean for my plugins?


    Your plugins will need to change all dependency references in the MANIFEST.MF file to declare a minimum dependency of indigo, or, at this time, Indigo m5. At this time we'll only be doing this for eclipse plugin dependencies, and not other JBossTools plugins. The full task is a big long and involves finding out what version of every dependency Indigo will include. This has already been done, and the file listing all the versions is here:


    This still doesn't make it much easier, so a small utility app has been made.


    Getting the utility Project


    mkdir tmp

    cd tmp

    svn co

    cd manifestVersions/FixManifests/bin



    # Now update the script's tmpfileloc and rootFolder to show what file you want to be used

    # as a temporary file, and where your root JBossTools repo is.

    # The component will be passed in when running this script

    # When done... go ahead and...


    # ./ {yourComponentName}

    ./ jmx | sh


    The script itself ( actually simply generates commands to execute, which

    we pipe into sh to ensure they are run. An example command generated by using

    the script is as follows:


    java Main ../src/ /home/rob/code/jbtools/jbosstools/trunk/jmx/plugins/ > ~/tmpFile && mv ~/tmpFile /home/rob/code/jbtools/jbosstools/trunk/jmx/plugins/


    The script will now REPLACE all your files for the chosen component.

    You can now refresh your eclipse environment and make sure all manifest files

    have been updated appropriately. Make sure there are no compile errors

    and make sure nothing horrible has changed.

    You can also check via command line by going into your component folder

    and performing

              svn diff



    But.... I'm not on linux!


    No worries, friend! You can execute the java command yourself!


       java Main ../src/ /path/to/your/svn/trunk/component/plugins/org.jboss.first.plugin


    This will output to standard out a new Manifest file. You can save the output in the appropriate

    manifest file directly, copy-paste it, or whatever method you want.