Version 1

    This wiki explains the steps required to generate/package the EJB3 tutorial source, the tutorial guide and the reference guide.




    To *generate* the tutorial deliverable (.zip/.tar.gz):


    1) Checkout the tutorials from the EJB3 trunk


    svn co


    2) Ensure that you have set MAVEN_HOME to point to 2.0.9 version of Maven and ANT_HOME to 1.7 version of Ant (Note: The tutorials can be built with Ant and Maven). Also ensure that JBOSS_HOME points to a clean (unmodified) JBossAS-5.0 GA.


    4) From the shell/command-prompt, 'cd' to the "tutorial/guide" folder


    5) Run


    mvn clean compile


    This command will generate the guide (in target/docbook sub-folder). This is the guide which the user should use to *run* the tutorials.


    6) The final step is to create the distributable. For this 'cd' to the "tutorial/dist" folder and run


    ant -f build-dist.xml


    Note: The plan was to generate the tutorial distributable(s) using Maven plugin. But because of plugin ordering issues in Maven 2.0.9, this runs into issues[1]. Hence we are going to use Ant to generate the final distributable.


    The above command will generate "" and "ejb3-tutorials.tar.gz"  in the "tutorial/dist" folder. Use this to upload on the EJB3 docs site (only QA has permission)


    The instructions for *running* the tutorials are in the Readme.txt available in those .zip/.tar.gz files.




    Reference Guide :


    1) Checkout "reference" from the EJB3 trunk


    svn co


    2) Ensure that you have set MAVEN_HOME to point to 2.0.9 version of Maven


    3) From the shell/command-prompt, 'cd' to the "reference" folder (the place where you checked out from SVN)


    4) Run


    mvn clean compile


    5) This command will generate the "html" and "html_single" versions of the reference guide under target/docbook subfolder. Use this guide to upload on the EJB3 docs site (only QA has permission).

    [1] Maven references: